What is Modere Promo code, referral code, or coupon code that I keep hearing about?

Before diving into the specifics of what the actual code is, allow me to give a little background to the company that provides the promo code.
Modere is a clean living, health and wellness company that is mission driven to help people be their best by offering products for every day use and for helping you be and feel healthier.
Modere also a network marketing company, which means that you can enjoy the products and earn commissions. Click here if you want to learn more about how you can earn some extra money on the side.
And is exactly how the promo code ties in!
They give customers and business builders a way to share the product that gives a win-win!
When you become a customer and use someone's referral code, it gives you $10 off your first order. Modere calls it "Share The Love" because once you've become a customer you can now you can Share The Love and share your own Modere coupon codes with someone you know that could benefit from these amazing products and get $10 off their first order.
But what makes it a win-win?
Once you've shared the code with something you think would benefit from the Lean Body System or Liquid BioCell you'll receive a $10 credit towards your next order. If you and they enroll in Modere's VIP (supscription plan, used to be known as Modere Smartship) you earn a recurring $10! Now it's possible to get your product paid for by Modere.
Now of course there's small print that you'll want to know in order to earn the recurring $10. Go ahead and check it out here:
To qualify, both the referring customer and the referred customer must be VIPs with a minimum monthly subscription of $99 before all discounts, tax and shipping. Referring customers can earn a maximum of $599 in credits per calendar year. A maximum of $10 per month will be awarded for each referred customer.
That's only if you are a customer, but what if you decide to build it as a side hustle?
You still are able to "share the love" and get credit, and now you also get to earn a commission off of the referrals that you gave your promo code to.
Enough beating around the bush. Here is the Modere promotion codes that you use at checkout on Modere's website.
Referral code: 8332462
If you click on the image above, it should be automatically attached to your checkout order, but if not, enter the number above to get your $10 off.
Not sure what products? Check out my favorites products here.
Until next time!

P.S. Check out some of my other blog posts about Modere and it's products
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