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About Sarah Lawyer


Hey! My name is Sarah Lawyer, MomPreneur


Entrepreneurs who have seen success in their business, but struggle to grow their passive lead generation strategy without advertising work with me to expand how their business is found using Pinterest combined with search marketing.


As a Pinterest Strategist, I love to be able to show the possibilities that Pinterest allows business owners to expand their influence and reach with simple and easy actions.


After using my simple 3 part formula to grow my own business and that of my clients businesses, I wanted to teach my visibilty and growth secrets to others business owners that couldn't hire me to manage their Pinterest accounts.


And so The Profitable Pinterest Formula was born as a coaching program to learn Pinterest Basics, Keyword Strategies, and Blogging basics that help to convert more clients by easily going from Cold to Warm to Buying without sales calls.


I've shared these secrets on trainings, in my Pinterest Masterclass, as an author because I strongly believe that the  #1 mistake that almost all entrepreneurs are making is relying solely on social media to build their business.

Let's Work Together

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